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What To Do This Week

As the cold weather continues its good to prune plants like bamboo, shell ginger, palms and canna.

Feed native plants, in particular the hybrids, which will respond with fabulous flowering latte winter. Use a fertiliser specially for native plants. We love Bush Tucker (Neutrog).


Cultivate between rows of vegetables using a single tine, made by removing two tines from a three-pronged cultivator. This opens the soil allowing air and water to penetrate and dislodges weeds.

Plant bare rooted blossom trees into a well-prepared planting hole. Improve your soil with home-made or commercial planting compost. Choose from Flowering cherry (cold gardens), Flowering Plum (warm and cold gardens), Flowering Peach (warm and cold gardens), Flowering Pear and Crabapple. Photo Prunus blireana (Double Flowering Plum).


Prunus blireana (Double Flowering Plum).


Plant bare rooted fruit trees: apple, pear, plum, peach, apricot, grapes

Plant bare rooted roses now. These photos show the newly planted rose Delbard Rose ‘Grimaldi’ at Flemington Racecourse and then the same rose in full flower for the Melbourne Cup. Come with us in November to see them.


Winter planted rose Delbard ‘Grimaldi’


Delbard rose ‘Grimaldi’ in flower at Melbourne Cup