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Autumn 2018 Issue

Autumn 2018 Issue

What's inside?

Welcome to your Autumn issue

It has been a challenging year in the garden so far, judging from our member’s requests for advice and information about climate-resilient plants and organic solutions to pests and diseases. We’re here for your support, and are continually searching the world for the most up-to-date information and inspiration to share with you, through this magazine, online at, on radio and on television.

On radio you can now hear Sandra, Linda or myself seven days a week, answering your questions on 2GB, 4BC, 2BS, 2ST every Saturday and Sunday, 6am-9am (time-adjusted for some stations) and Talking Lifestyle Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane Monday-Friday 12pm-1pm. Of course you can also listen on your laptop or pc, or listen on-the-go by downloading each station’s app to your smartphone. All these programs are also available as a podcast, so you can have us alongside you in the garden whenever you like.

This year is our biggest ever at Better Homes & Gardens TV, with our 1000th episode mid-year and with big stories from the best Australian and UK gardens as well as a Buckingham Palace Special. Stay tuned for that!

As well as offering that multimedia buffet of garden information and inspiration, we are proud supporters of Collectors’ Plant Fair, coming up soon in in NSW. This has become one of the biggest events of its kind in Australia, a place where plant-lovers can find things they’ve always wanted and things they didn’t know existed, as well as feeling part of the great gardening community.

So we’re doing our bit to help inform, entertain and bring the enjoyment of gardening to you again this year. Thanks for being part of it.